Saturday, May 18, 2013

Racism Still does Exist

Since starting CFLAFA many years ago, so many people have said "Whats the point?" or "Racism doesn't exist anymore". Well, the proof is in the pudding as of just the last few months, and even more that the police and courts are not here to help with the problem.

In May of 2012, 13 members of American Front were arrested in an domestic terrorist task force effort. Since then, 9 have been released and all charges dropped. Marcus Faella is now set to go to trial on July 29th, and rumor has it his charges will also be dropped. This is a perfect example of how these people are allowed to get away with anything and the court system will not help in the efforts to stop these groups from organizing.

Recently on the evening of Monday May 13, another incident has popped up where the Fort Christmas Knights of the Klu Klux Klan went around in Christmas, Florida dropping Flyers on driveways. We decided to send a few members to the area and see how the people of the community are reacting and let them know that they are not alone, as the police are really not going to do anything to ease the tension of the citizens. Their responses were as expected, they were very appreciative that someone was being attentive to the issues. One man said "It's 2013 what were they thinking, this is even a mixed neighborhood, I can't even believe that these people are still around and trying to recruit people." Another man said "We really appreciate what you all are doing." A woman jogging said that she was also appreciative of our efforts. We went up to the area's community center to drop off a handful of Turn the Tides Zine and a small stack of flyers, The woman in the office said that a close friend of hers as well as many others called in complaints of the Klan's actions and they are appalled and shocked that this happened. She had to get management's approval to put out the zines but she said that she would try and showed much appreciation for our organization's efforts. Even though direct action is usually a very effective tool, community outreach is a very necessary tool as well and the feeling of people's appreciation face to face is an awesome feeling. 

What does this really say? Well to us that says that we still have a huge problem in this country with bigotry and the only way to fix the problem is to confront it head on and keep these people from operating. To quote a person we talked to today "It's 2013, what are they thinking?"

We will continue to monitor central Florida as always and will keep our area Fascist Free!


  1. Would it be OK if I cross-posted this article to There is no fee; I’m simply trying to add more content diversity for our community and I enjoyed reading your work. I’ll be sure to give you complete credit as the author. If “OK” please let me know via emaeil.

